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HAL - Explainable AI

TestNet Faucet

A faucet is an application that dispenses free tokens on a testnet (Lothar TestNet for Dijets). These tokens allow you to experiment with the testnet, such as deploying smart contracts or debugging transactions. The Lothar faucet provides web3 developers with free tokens for deploying, testing, and optimising smart contracts on a testnet before deploying it on the mainnet.

It's important to remember that testnet tokens have no real-world value and cannot be sold or used on the main Dijets blockchain network (Dijets Mainnet).

How to get TestNet DJT tokens?

Go to Dijets Official Faucet for Lothar Testnet and enter your Utility Chain wallet address where you want to receive the tokens. You can find out your utility chain address by logging into an existing wallet or creating a new one on Lothar TestNet. Once logged in, click on the "Utility Chain" address tab and copy your wallet address starting with 0x.... Use the copied wallet address to input into the address tab on the Faucet page & click submit. The faucet will then create a transaction on Lothar Test Network that sends a 1 DJT of testnet tokens to the provided address. If you're curious, you can track the transaction's status on Lothar UC Explorer using the transaction hash link that appears after the successful transfer.

DGC Voting Monthly Cycle

IntraChain Transfer

The Faucet will transfer 1DJT token to your utility chain address on the testnet. If you wish to use your tokens on any of the other chains, then you can make an intra-chain transfer from within the wallet to move your assets between the ternary chains.

ERC20 and other Tokens Support

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Uses the Next.js Supabase Starter Template

Deploy with Vercel

The Faucet will continue to add new tokens and make them available for the drops. Users can select their chosen token for the drop by clicking on the dropdown menu for assets on the Faucet page.

Lothar Testnet Faucet

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Lothar TestNet Faucet

1 October 2024

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1 May 2024

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