The first release of Dijets Test network maintained by client developers; Lothar is now live. Lothar is a production-like network and a copy of Dijets Main network for contract and application developers to test their applications on. Lothar Testnet also lets protocol developers test network upgrades, and lets stakers test running validators etc.
Dijets TestNet - Lothar v1.0.0
Dijets Test Networks lay the foundational sandbox infrastructure for Dijets Inc & its development. Lothar (named after the german mathematician Lothar Collatz) is the first version of Dijets testnet released for public use and it can be used by protocol developers or smart contract developers to test both, Dijets protocol upgrades as well as the potential smart contracts in a production-like environment before their deployment to Mainnet. You can think of Lothar as an analog to the commonly deployed production versus staging servers.
Developers and Users alike can now test any contract code they write on Lothar testnet before deploying to Dijets Mainnet. Among dapps that integrate with existing smart contracts, most projects will have copies deployed to a Dijets test network like Lothar.
Just like Dijets Mainnet, Lothar introduces an independently operated, globally available blockchain network utilising Dijets ternary chain ledger system built as a testing playground before deployment to the Mainnet. This enables the smart contract composability (i.e., the ability for smart contract applications through its Utility Chain). Participants and organisations can now use Dijets testnet to sample services depending on the needs of the use case and the trust requirements of the parties in a transaction, making cross application composability a reality.
Early adopter organisations can now independently run decentralised applications and ECC networks for individual services and associated network utilities.
DJT on Dijets Test Networks
DJT or any other digital asset on Dijets test network i.e Lothar have no real value. Since you need DJT to actually interact with Dijets Ecosystem (even on testnets), users can get testnet DJT for free from any of the publicly available faucets. Most faucets are webapps where you can input an address which you request DJT to be sent to.
Accessing Lothar
Users can now choose Lothar when using Dijets wallet to sample Dijets ecosystem & its services. See the instructional video below to access Lothar Testnet on Dijets Wallet.